About Us
We are a non-profit organization that exists not only for the fostering of interest in the Corvette. We also choose to support a charity in our area called the Central Missouri Dream Factory. This charity helps chronically or terminally ill children by making their dreams and wishes come true. We are the single largest contributor to the Dream Factory in Central Missouri.
The Mid-Missouri Corvette Club was organized in 1994 by a dozen corvette enthusiasts and owners. Since that time it has grown to over 100 members. Although the majority of members are from central Missouri, we do have several members that live in other states. It is genuinely the members that make our club so successful. We are indeed a very busy club. Every third Sunday of the month we have a club meeting. These meetings are moved around the central part of Missouri. Any member can suggest/sponsor a meeting place. Each meeting involves a caravan of vehicles traveling to our destination, a meal at the location, a short business meeting, and sometimes a short road cruise before heading home. In addition to our monthly meetings, our club likes to travel as a group to support other clubs, cruises, car shows and events, as well as Regional and National Corvette events. In 2001 our club became a formal supporter of the National Corvette Museum and placed a brick with our logo in front of the Museum. We ask our members to be active and involved. We do not expect you to attend everything. There is simply too much for any one person to do and that is part of our success. We do expect you to love Corvettes and, although we do attend a lot of shows, your vehicle does not have to be a show car for you to be involved. Actually, you don't even have to own a Corvette to be a member. Note: For explicit details of how our officers are selected and the club rules, you may request a copy of our By-Laws from any of our current officers. Mailing Address: Mid-Missouri Corvette Club P.O. Box 7256 Columbia MO 65205 |